TUSC Frequently Asked Questions 2024

How do you set your registration prices?

TUSC seeks to make ultimate accessible, while also providing a high-quality, sustainable program for our kids. Here are some of the costs associated with our offerings:

  • Insurance (Approximately 10%)

  • Field Reservations (Approximately 5%)

  • Coach & Organizers Stipends, Training, Support (Approximately 55%)

  • Supplies, Equipment, and Player Gear (Approximately 15%)

  • Medical Staff (Approximately 5%)

  • Videography & Photography (Approximately 5%)

  • Administrative Costs (Approximately 5%)

What’s the difference between camp Session A and Session B?

The staff, ultimate curriculum, pricing structure, general schedule, and style of TUSC is the same for both of our camp sessions. Both sessions are open to ages 8-18, all genders, and include an application-based elite division as well as beginner and intermediate grouping options. The QUALITY of the TUSC experience will be the same in both sessions!

However, Session A will take place at St. Stephen’s School, and will include swimming every day at the fantastic St. Stephen’s pool. This session only offers half-day and full-day options, because St. Stephen’s is not offering overnight camps in 2023.

Session B will take place at St. Edward’s University, and will not include swimming as St. Edward’s does not currently have a pool on their campus. Session B will include half-day, full-day AND OVERNIGHT options for campers.

We’re interested in registering for both sessions. Is that an option?

You should absolutely feel encouraged to register for both sessions, because they will naturally differ from each other! We will adjust each week - i.e. if we have lots of returning campers, lots of players from the same team or program, a different level of experience in our respective groups, different coaches / groupings, different settings / fields, and other variables. We also find that players grow tremendously over the course of one week at camp; two weeks will absolutely improve your play and connection to your coaches and peers!

What is the “Elite” division for camp?

TUSC Elite is an application-based top-level grouping for experienced ultimate players at camp. This group will receive coaching that includes not only high-level skills practice but also increased competition, strategic instruction, film analysis, strength and fitness training, and more. The elite division is specifically geared toward players considering ultimate at the college, club, or pro levels (or beyond) — though that isn’t required to apply — and will especially serve team leaders and veteran players. We generally encourage high school players with experience at the Youth Club Championship and/or club levels to apply or consider applying, but all are welcome to submit an application! If you’ve also been participating in other ultimate events — i.e. tournaments, leagues, adult pick-up games, etc. — this might be a good option for you as well. The application itself will likely take 30 minutes or so to complete, and includes questions about your playing experience, references, and Spirit of the Game.

Please note that TUSC Elite is only open to rising 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students; you must have completed at least one year of high school competition to be eligible for this program.

Email tusculti@gmail.com with questions, or to request an application!

Is TUSC’s summer camp appropriate for younger/newer players?

Yes! We will group players by age and experience level, making sure to cover the basics for newer players. This is a sports-specific camp, so we will layer in more advanced skills as appropriate, and we encourage both new and experienced players to prepare themselves for a healthy sports experience. We also offer a half-day option for elementary-age campers.

Note: We strongly recommend that high school age players enter camp with some level of Ultimate experience and/or experience in competitive athletics, to ensure safety and proper preparation. The level of play is generally more intense in the older age groups.

I’m a competitive ultimate player with multiple years of experience. Is this camp appropriate for me? 

TUSC is proud to offer elite-level instruction and competition, pushing experienced players to expand their game. Our coaches are among the best players and coaches in Texas and beyond. There will be overlap between groups during unstructured time (such as meals, swimming, etc.), but for the most part our high-level campers will participate in drills and games in a separate group from the rest of camp. 

Can you describe the daily schedule for camp activities?
The schedule will vary slightly day-to-day and group-to-group, but the schedule will be roughly as follows:

8:30am-9:00am – Camper Drop-off & Check-in
9:00am-11:30am – Scrimmages and Game Play (Field Time)
11:30am-1:00pm – Lunch / Free Time / Social Activity
1:00pm-3:00pm – Skills & Drills (Field Time)
3:00pm-4:00pm – Swimming

*Friday’s schedule is only a half-day, with showcase games and an awards ceremony in the morning followed by camper dismissal at 12:00pm.

Will there be an overnight option for camp in 2022?
Due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, we aren’t yet able to offer an overnight camp option. If that changes, we will provide an opportunity for registered campers to opt-in for an additional charge. We certainly hope to make this option available in 2023, pending health and safety protocol!

What will we need to bring to camp?
We’ll provide a complete list of camp essentials prior to the start of camp, but the basics include cleats (or good athletic shoes), athletic shorts, a WHITE and a DARK jersey/shirt, water bottle, change of socks, sunscreen, towel and bathing suit. 

Is water provided?
We will have water at the fields, but players are required to bring their own water bottle every day. We strongly recommend that players arrive each morning with a FULL water bottle to begin. We also encourage campers to drink water throughout the day, even when we aren’t playing, in order to stay hydrated all week long! We will also provide Gatorade / electrolytes at camp in 2022 to off-set the effects of the heat. 

Who will be supervising/coaching the campers?
Our staff includes a range of skilled college, club, and professional Ultimate players with teaching and coaching/leadership experience. Many of our staff members were once youth players in the Austin area – and many of whom are also certified teachers, coaches, and educators. Our staff will all be cleared with a background check and SafeSport Training.

Is there medical care available at camp?
There will be an athletic trainer and/or nurse available at all times to tend to any player injuries and/or health concerns. 

Will the cafeteria be able to meet my dietary needs / restrictions?
The St. Stephen’s cafeteria is fully prepared to meet all manner of dietary needs, allergies, and restrictions. Please contact us ahead of time to explain your specific needs, and ensure that the camper is able to articulate his/her restrictions effectively.

What do we do when we aren’t playing Ultimate?
We spend our non-Ultimate time at camp on a range of activities, including unstructured “play” (ping pong, pool, yard games, board games, etc.), movies, jersey swaps, discussions and mentoring with adult Ultimate players, ice cream and pizza parties, and more! In some cases, down-time will include viewing and evaluating film of on-field play, discussing strategy and plays, and other Ultimate-specific discussions. But after hours of playing Ultimate in the Texas heat, campers are often ready for some relaxation in the air-conditioning, so we make sure to have that time available to them as well.

What should I expect in terms of fitness and activity level?
As a sports camp, TUSC will challenge players to run and play hard. You'll definitely be tired at the end of the day! It’s essential that players get sufficient rest and hydration in order to play as much as they’d like when we’re on the field. Generally-speaking, the level of competition increases with age. 

It’s hot in Texas! How will we ensure that campers are well hydrated and safe?
Our coaches, athletic trainer, and nurse are familiar with the signs of dehydration and heat exhaustion and we discuss this with our campers throughout camp. We are conscientious about shade, water availability, and frequent break times. We also encourage campers to be aware of their own physical state, communicating with us when they aren’t feeling well or need a break for water or from the sun and keeping a water bottle close by at all times. While we do play LOTS of Ultimate, we also try to intersperse “play” time with chalk talks and other built-in recovery time.

Is transportation provided?
We do not provide transportation to and from camp, but feel free to contact us if you need guidance or advice about how to access rides and/or carpools. Please note that we do not have any off-campus travel or activities planned, so campers will always remain at St. Stephen’s when they’re under our supervision (unless previously communicated with the directors).

What are your COVID-19 Protocol?

As we all continue to manage the Coronavirus Pandemic, we will adapt and address our Covid guidelines to ensure health and safety as well as competitive play, meaningful instruction, and FUN for our campers! A few of our initial steps will include small groupings based on age, experience, and team/program (if applicable), daily health screenings, on-site medical staff, masking and social distancing when necessary and possible, and more. 

We will look to USA Ultimate’s return-to-play guidelines as well as guidance from local health officials to inform our official protocol. In the meantime, you can view our guidelines from last year’s camp (2021)  here.

My child will have to miss part of camp. Is that a problem?

If a camper has to miss part of camp, or requires a late drop-off / early pick-up, that isn’t a problem for the camp staff whatsoever. We can’t provide transportation, but as long as the parents/guardians notify us ahead of time and facilitate the transportation, we don’t have any problem with campers tending to their other conflicts and obligations. We do ask that players let us know when they’re leaving, so that we can ensure that everyone is safe and accounted for!

What is TUSC’s Camp Cancellation Policy?

If you need to cancel for any reason prior to the beginning of your TUSC365 event (including leagues, camps, clinics, etc.), you will receive a credit voucher for the full paid amount. This amount is transferable to any immediate family member at any time and can be applied to any future TUSC365 event. Participants who DO NOT attend their registered event (no-shows for any reason) or who do not contact TUSC365 to cancel at least 24 hours ahead of the event will not receive a voucher or refund. Vouchers and refunds are not available for individual days, games, or hours.

If TUSC365 cancels your event due to rainout / park closures, COVID-related facility closures or individual player withdrawal, and/or government mandates or other circumstances, we will make every effort to reschedule the event itself for a later date. If rescheduling isn’t possible, you will automatically be issued a credit voucher for the full paid amount. This amount is transferable to any immediate family member at any time.

These policies are in place to account for fees associated with each registration made in advance of the program (such as field reservations, insurance, and staffing). If you have questions or extenuating circumstances, please contact Coach Kepner at tusculti@gmail.com or 512-608-2447 to discuss!

What youth ultimate programs will TUSC365 offer throughout the year?

TUSC began as a summer camp, but we’ve recently expanded into year-round programming! Our first event was an 8-week school-based spring league. We’ll continue with our camp model in summer of 2022 and layer in additional opportunities throughout the fall and winter months. In particular, we hope to offer clinics, hat leagues, tournaments, small-group skills training, ultimate strength / fitness / injury prevention, and leadership trainings for captains and coaches. Let us know if you have any suggestions or ideas that you think we should include!

How do I know what to pay for Youth Spring League’s Sliding Scale?

  • If paying the at-cost price would be a financial sacrifice, but not detrimental to your family, consider paying a slightly discounted registration.

  • If paying the at-cost price would lead to a harmful impact on your life or your family, such as not being able to pay for groceries or transportation to school/work, then this would be a financial hardship and you might consider paying a substantially or completely discounted registration. 

  • If paying the at-cost price would be neither a financial hardship or a financial sacrifice, we ask you to consider paying full price and/or pay-it-forward with an additional donation.

Please note that these are only suggestions. TUSC recognizes that everyone's financial circumstances are unique, so we do not ask for any documentation and do not cast judgment on anyone's ability or choice to pay.

Why pay it forward to sponsor a player?

Discounted and fully subsidized registrations are made possible by donations from community members like you, as well as organizations such as Austin Ultimate and other sponsors. Pay-it-forward donations support TUSC365's efforts to further our mission, supporting the following:

  • Covering the costs of participants who do not have the means to pay full price.

  • Paying coach and volunteer expenses, such as background checks and safe sport training.

  • Ensuring team/program sustainability and support throughout challenging times (such as the Covid-19 pandemic). 

  • Providing administrative support, communication, and advocacy for teams, players, coaches, families, and parents. 

  • Extending playing opportunities to new and developing youth ultimate players, programs, and coaches.

Are “player-coaches” allowed in the school-based Youth Spring League?

Many of our teams have players who manage things like practice plans and administrative tasks. This is allowed, but we strongly encourage adult, non-playing coaching as well to ensure team sustainability and consistency in the future. Regardless, we require at least one non-playing adult at team events; that individual should complete the coach training, SafeSport certification, and background check. 

Is there a team entry fee for Youth Spring League?

No. Players will pay an individual registration fee, and then participate on their respective school rosters if available. This will also allow players to register and participate if they don’t have a team at their school.

Are players allowed to “play up” in age group? 

Players are allowed to play in the division above them (such as an 8th grader playing in the high school division, or a 5th grader playing in the middle school division) on a case-by-case basis. We require specific parent permission for this, and decisions will depend on the team circumstances. Email tusculti@gmail.com to discuss!

Our team is low on numbers for Youth Spring League. Can we combine with another school to compete? 

YES! Especially after this extended pause on youth ultimate, many teams are rebuilding their programs. Coach Kepner is working to identify teams that need more players (as well as teams who need a coach), and considering how best to combine their resources so that they can participate effectively. This includes weighing factors such as location, coach availability, and more.

The cost of Youth Spring League is higher than in 2019 (prior to the Covid-19 Pandemic). Why has the price gone up?

From 2012-2019, Youth Spring League was operated by Austin Ultimate (formerly the Ultimate Players League of Austin, or UPLA), a local non-profit disc organization run entirely by dedicated volunteers. The intent was to support existing teams by offering them a common place to play. The registration fee for YSL covered the cost of jerseys and discs for every player. Field reservations, insurance, medical staff, and other administrative costs were covered by funds from adult programming. All coaches and organizers were volunteers with other full-time jobs. Though successful and meaningful, this model eventually led to a plateau/decline in growth, especially in the context of The Covid-19 pandemic. 

Most regions with a more developed youth ultimate structure (such as the Triangle in North Carolina, the Bay Area, Seattle, Boston, Colorado, etc.) compensate coaches and organizers, and in some cases hire full-time staff for youth programming. This has led to significant growth in their offerings, greater accountability, and better products for their kids. These regions were also more capable of rebounding from the pandemic with responsible, creative solutions and options.

Along with support from Austin Ultimate, TUSC365 is following the lead of other regions, responding to the need for experienced, sustainable, vested support. As such, we’re now accounting for all costs / overhead, adding coach and organizer compensation, and providing a consistent platform solely dedicated to youth ultimate in the greater Austin area.

Do you have a question that isn’t discussed here? 

Email Coach Kepner at tusculti@gmail.com for more information!